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"Jason is a trainer who made me believe in myself. He knew what i was capable of when I didn't, he inspired me. Jason is a trainer who cares, a trainer who pushes, a trainer who believes in you more than you believe in yourself."

                                                                                                                                                                              -Courtney, NPC Bikini Competitior

"I didn't begin seeing pounds fly off so quickly, until after I began meeting with Jason. His guidance has infused fitness into my mostly sedentary lifestyle. I'm stronger and 16 pounds lighter."

                                                            Shannon, 2017

"As I approached 40, I was feeling very sluggish and out of shape. I attempted to get back my more youthful days by joining a gym and exercising, but I seemed to be spinning my wheel. I finally sought out help from Jason and before I knew it, I was soon on my way to competing on stage where I came in 1st." 


                                -Dennis, NPC Men Physique Competitor


"When I started the program 8 weeks ago, I was 195lbs.  After my 8 weeks I am down to 175lbs and my waist went from 39inches to 32.5 inches. His workouts and meal program made me have more energy, I feel stronger, and overall healthier.  Get out of your comfort zone and try his program."


                                     Vichit "Chip", 2018 

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